Friday, January 11, 2008

Oh the bridesmaids

J-Crew really does have some of the cutest bridesmaid dresses. This dress is the closest thing I can find resembling the Tiffany blue Abby wants as an accent color. I love the seam down the front and the covered buttons in the back.

1 comment:

lw02jms said...

Hi Abby, I hope you don't mind me contacting you like this. But I read a post you put in someone's blog about being a bridesmaid ten times. Wow! I'm a freelance writer currently working for Britain's biggest weekly magazine and wondered if you'd be interested in talking to me about this for a feature I'm doing on this topic?

Nothing would be written without your permission and you would of course be compensated generously for your time and trouble, which would be minimal.

If you're keen, or simply want to know more, please contact me asap (on a v tight deadline!!) on 0207 782 7926 or

Kindest regards,
