Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gooble Gobble

What's the weirdest, scariest and most fascinating this ever?

Freaks... and this clip! Ooh... it gives me chills. This group of people is my worst nightmare!

Nate is constantly getting mad at me for staring at freaks. There are just so many people I don't understand. I really don't understand how they were raised and why they act the way they do.

There are a couple of freaks at the gym I workout in. There is one girl with big foofy hair that she flattens out. She wears one of two outfits:

normal bra, short, stretched out white tank top and gray pants that say "Wahoo!"
normal bra, short, stretched out white tank top and gray pants that say "Virginia!"

Obviously, her clothes don't make her slightly off... maybe it's the fact she wears creepy makeup and never smiles... or maybe it's because of the way she folds her little newspaper and sits on the treadmill for 2 hours EVERY night, no incline, at an incredibly slow pace... UH, it just bothers me!

And don't even get me started on the people who talk to themselves (out-loud, in public.)

I guess we're all sort of freaks in our own way.
And for the most part, they're really entertaining.


Emilee said...

uhm.. that is just weird. weird. what if you just turned into a freak one day. seriously or what if you are and nobody dares to tell you.

Annelise said...

I have a feeling that you are just trying to make everyone think that you are cool because you have that video on your blog. Anyway do you remember when Sara and I told Danny Kofoed that you performed at Lagoon but you wouldn't admit it if he asked you? Then he walked over to you, put his arm up against the boat and was like, "So...". I think we showed him some of your dance moves too.